In the beginning of Methodism in Easton, NY, Circuit Riders were sent to preach. According to legend, in his Journal of 1792, Matthias Swain, a Circuit Rider told of conducting a quarterly meeting in Easton. He prayed saying “Oh my dear Lord, spread the flame from east to west, north to south, that all may be saved”. By the end of the quarterly meeting, the warmth of the flame ran through the congregation. The Circuit Rider’s prayer had been answered and spirit had been sparked anew. This legend suggests that the Methodist flame and cross symbol existing today may have originated from this meeting.
In 1824, the Church in Easton was organized and called Methodist Episcopal in Crandall’s Corners. There was no building until 1835. At that time, a small building was erected on land donated by John Drake and Benjamin Hutchins. It was sold in 1850 and in 1868, was dedicated as a Union Church. Also, in 1835, the first Methodist Church in North Easton was erected on land deeded to Asa Cogshall, William Read, Sanford R Benson, Gardner E Anthony and John Robinson, the trustees of the Methodist Church of Easton. This first building was built on the land situated south of the present location now occupied by the Victory View Vineyard at a cost of $650 to be divided between the several churches of the circuit.
In 1849, preferring that the Church be in Easton Corners, the piece of land that the Church now stands on was purchased for $50 from Andrew and Anna May Van Schaick and deeded to Sanford Benson, William Bishop, William Read, Ezra Burdick, and Henry Darby who were the Church Trustees. Oral tradition has it that the building was moved to that site. Records show that the building was built in 1850 at the cost of $1500, money raised by subscription. Records show that the 600 pound bell was purchased and placed in the belfry in 1899.
The original white pews were replaced during the pastorate of Rev. Margaret Coleman. She served from 1925-1936. The varnished pews that we have today were the replacement pews. The pews came from the old Schaghticoke Hill Methodist Church which is now gone.
Other significant dates include: 1941,electric organ purchased; 1955, oil furnace installed; 1956, kitchen updates; 1961, land purchased from Joseph Miller for a parking lot; 1963, dining room remodeled; 1967, Lowry organ purchased, 2010, drainage work done and shrubs planted. Many updates and additions have taken place through the years, the most recent being a blacktop parking lot in 2019, technology and internet access and a new outdoor sign, replacing the one purchased in 2000, in 2020.
- History information gleaned from several publications that the Church has printed through the years including directories and cookbooks.