If you wish to donate to the Easton United Methodist Church, please send your donations to the Church Address:
Easton Methodist Church, 12053 State Route 40 Easton
Schaghticoke NY 12154
Invitations for Zoom are sent each week and may differ. Please leave your email at the address above so you may receive the invitation each week.
Activities Planned
There will be a PRESENTATION ON HUMAN TRAFFICKING at the Centenary Methodist Church, 1 Gray Avenue, Greenwich NY 12834 on February 5, 2025 at 6:00 pm. It will be presented by Susana Lehan, PhD, Director of Anti-Human Trafficking, USA Eastern Territory, the Salvation Army, Saratoga Springs Corps. Susana will tell of the trafficking’s impact around the world and in our communities. All are urged to attend.
Centenary Bible Study on Thursdays. See Disciple Page.
Movie Nights for Parents and Children are planned as follows:
Centenary UMC: Movie night on 1/24/25 6 pm
South Cambridge UMC: Movie NIght 02/14/25 6 pm
Bring whatever makes you comfortable. Snacks will be available.
Bible Study in Easton UMC will begin in March. See the Disciple Study Page.
Adirondack Samaritan Counseling Center is offering counseling on Thursdays at Centenary UMC. Please call 518 747 2994 for an appointment.